Marie Frank

- Staff
- Assistant Vice President for Administration
- 337-482-2148
- Martin Hall, Room 123
Marie Frank has served as a Louisiana public servant for almost 40 years, currently as the Assistant Vice President for Administration with the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ of Louisiana Lafayette. She previously held the position of Executive Director for Procurement and Property and Fleet Management at LSU. Previous to that, she served as the State Assistant Contracts Administrator in the Office of Contractual Review in the Division of Administration. She has served under 6 Governors and 7 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ Presidents. She was the President of Louisiana NIGP for 8 years, Chairwoman for the DOA Procurement Support Team for 9 years and has a master’s degree in public administration. She has been married for 50 years, has 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
Bachelor Degree in Business, 1995
Master's Degree in Public Administration, 2000
LSU Public Administration Institute
Awards & Recognition
LSU Employee of the Year