Human Development & Family Science

“At a low point in my life years ago, I was given a second chance at life. I am majoring in Human Development & Family Science because I needed to give back and help to educate and advocate for those families that are struggling or are in crisis.”
You should major in human development and family science studies if:
- You have strong communication skills and you work well with others.
- You’re interested in human relationships and want to have a positive impact on people’s lives.
- You enjoy being involved in and contributing to your local community.
- You want to work with people of all ages.
As a human development and family science major, you’ll be trained to understand human development through the lifespan and the health and functionality of families.
You will take courses on human growth and development, diverse relationships within families, human sexuality, family resource management, parenting and family law, public policy, and more.
Your training will prepare you to integrate your knowledge of each stage of human development, such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and human relations into a service-oriented career such as a family life educator, social worker, and counselor.
Human Development & Family Science at UL Lafayette
What's Human Development & Family Science Like?
Lab work
Reading, research & writing
Group work & presentations
Field work
Through this accreditation, the Human Development & Family Science program offers a certification opportunity as a Family Life Educator.
Life as a Human Development & Family Science Major

Research for a Reason
The knowledge and skills you’ll gain in our program prepare you to promote two of the most fundamental concerns of society: family relationships and human development. You’ll get hands-on experience with learning and training to promote strong family units and healthy human growth in an ever-changing society.
Hands-On Research & Learning
Conduct hands-on research in our Early Childhood Laboratory. Under faculty supervision, observe, participate, and research development programming for 3 to 5-year-olds.
Internships & Field Work
Get on-the-job training and experience through the 150 internship sites offered every semester. You’ll complete an internship which, for many graduates, becomes the first step into your career.
National Council on Family Relations
The National Council on Family Relations at UL Lafayette (NCFR) is open to all students who want to help individuals, families, and the community.