Campus Master Plan — October 19, 2011
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
This is an exciting time for the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ of Louisiana at Lafayette. We are surrounded by signs of continuing progress with students, faculty and staff doing exemplary work, athletic success, and enhancements to campus facilities well underway.
As directed by our strategic plan and as a recommendation by the Presidential Transition Teams, the university launched a comprehensive campus master planning process earlier this year with the goal of charting a course for future university development and for codifying this growth. Led by Steve Oubre, Architects Southwest, and other nationally recognized consultants, members of the university community participated in small, focused workshops to gather data, develop baselines and ascertain future needs with regard to university facilities, program enrollment, and infrastructure needs such as IT, parking, etc.
For the next step in this process, charrettes will be held in which workshop data will be applied to design planning and the entire community will have the opportunity to provide feedback. Planners will be on campus for a series of meetings from October 24 through November 2. I encourage you and our entire university community to participate in the following master plan charrette presentations:
Monday, October 24
6 – 7:30 p.m. — Opening Presentation
VL Wharton Hall, Room 222
Thursday, October 27
4:15 – 5:30 p.m. — Student Presentation
VL Wharton Hall, Room 222
5:30 – 7 p.m. — Mid-Point Presentation
VL Wharton Hall, Room 222
Wednesday, November 2
6 – 7:30 p.m. — Closing Presentation
VL Wharton Hall, Room 222
I hope you will be an active participant in planning for our university’s future by attending as many of these presentations as possible. If you are unable to attend, I encourage you to send me your suggestions through campus mail or by emailing me at Your perspective is appreciated and your feedback most welcomed.
Best wishes,
E. Joseph Savoie