Upcoming Activities
Dear Faculty & Staff,
As we prepare for final exams, I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on another successful semester and thank you for your dedication to our students.
The 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ Holiday Committee, chaired by Garland "Chico" Rodriguez, has planned some end of semester activities for your enjoyment. On Wednesday, November 30, we will celebrate Sneaux Day once again. Sneaux Day activities begin in the President's House at 4 p.m. where the children of all UL Lafayette faculty, staff, and students are invited to visit with Santa and enjoy holiday treats. A special hour of ice skating on the front lawn of Martin Hall is being reserved for the children from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. UL Lafayette students will have access to the rink for ice skating from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
I look forward to our traditional holiday luncheon on Thursday, December 15, in the Student Union. This annual gathering of the university family is our opportunity to celebrate the season and to honor those employees with 30 or more years of service, including those who have either recently retired or plan to retire soon. We are grateful to our sponsors -- Sodexo, the UL Alumni Association, the UL Foundation and others -- for helping to make this annual event possible.
This year we're asking faculty and staff to show off their Ragin' Cajun holiday spirit in a special way. You are invited to submit an office photo of staff demonstrating their holiday spirit. Photos will be included in a slideshow during the holiday luncheon. To participate, please email your photo to president@louisiana.edu by Friday, December 9.
And, in the spirit of the season, our campus community will participate in a Holiday Giving Tree that will benefit local children in need at the Lafayette Children's Shelter, as well as Family Promise of Acadiana, a facility that helps homeless families in our community. To participate in the Holiday Giving Tree, simply stop by the Christmas tree located on the first floor of Martin Hall beginning Thursday, December 1, and pick a hand-made ornament from the tree. These handmade ornaments adorning the tree were created by our future students currently enrolled at the Child Development Center. On the back of the ornament is the name of a child, along with that child's Christmas wish list. Wrapped gifts may be dropped off in Foster Hall Room 116 anytime before December 15.
I look forward to seeing you at these events, as well as Commencement on December 17. And, I hope you and your family and friends will be able to join us in New Orleans for the R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl as the Ragin' Cajuns football team makes its first bowl appearance in over 40 years.
Best wishes,
E. Joseph Savoie