Request a Refund, Change, or Exemption

Refund Policy

Meal plans are refunded 100% (less any Declining Balance usage) during the initial meal plan change period (up until 12:30 p.m. on the Friday of the first week of class).  After the meal plan change period has passed refunds are issued on a prorated basis (based on date of cancellation) only when granted a contract release through the Housing Office.  Once a refund is issued you will no longer be able to use your meal swipes and/or declining balance associated with that term.  Prior declining balance will remain active.  Meal plan cancellations and refunds will be processed within 48 hours once a request or notification is received and will show up on your student account within 48 hours after processing.  Commuter meal plans purchased during the semester are non refundable after the initial meal plan change period. Meal swipes and declining balance for commuter meal plans roll over from semester to semester. 

Request Declining Balance Refund

Unused Declining Balance on ALL meal plans roll over each semester as long as you are enrolled at the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´. If you are graduating or resigning from the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´, you have 90 days to request a refund of your remaining Declining Balance. Please send refund requests to from your official UL Email account and include your ULID.

Request Meal Plan Changes

Meal plan change requests are accepted any time prior to the beginning of any given semester and can be submitted via email request through 12:30 on the Friday of the first week of classes. Please email from your official UL Email account to request meal plan changes. You MUST include your ULID and requested meal plan for processing.

Requests will be processed within 48 hours and updated charges may take up to 48 hours to reflect on your student account.

Meal plan changes will not be granted after the official university deadline – NO EXCEPTIONS!

Additional charges may apply for meal plan changes depending upon usage of current meal plan.

Request Meal Plan Exemption

Meal plan exemptions may be granted in certain circumstances after a thorough review by the Office of Disability Services, Food Service Providers (Sodexo) and Campus Food Services.

If you are requesting meal plan modifications/exemptions you should begin the process at the Office of Disability Services. You will be required to produce documentation from a physician or qualified professional describing the specific allergies/intolerances and advocating for the need for specific meals and/or food options. The documentation is reviewed and if it contains necessary information, approved. The Office of Disability Services can request additional documentation from the physician if clarification is necessary.

One you complete the paperwork process and register with the Office of Disability Services, the ODS Director will meet with you to discuss specific needs. The ODS Director will provide a letter to take to the food service provider, Sodexo (located on the 2nd floor of the Student Union across from the Cypress Lake Dining Hall entrance). You will be instructed to bring the letter to the food service provider (Sodexo) to discuss specific dietary needs. The first response from the university is to try to accommodate your dietary needs. Meal plan modifications are discussed at this time and determined by Sodexo staff (not ODS). Exemptions occur only in the event that modifications cannot be made.

If the food service provider (Sodexo) is unable to accommodate your specific dietary needs, they will contact Campus Food Services to recommend an exemption. Once this recommendation is received, please allow 48 hours for the exemption to be granted and meal charges reversed.

Please note:

  • Exemptions for the following reasons will not be considered: financial, vegan/vegetarian/gluten free diet/fad diets, work/class/practice schedules, access to a kitchen, or personal preferences.
  • A written statement from a licensed health care provider does not guarantee the student will receive a meal plan exemption.
  • You have an obligation to pay for your meal plan until your exemption request is approved granted.
  • If you submit an exemption request and the board charge has been placed on your account, understand that you are responsible for meeting all payment deadlines. It is recommended that you pay for your meal plan and if your request is approved, your account will be credited on a pro-rata basis determined by the date the exemption is approved.
  • You must reapply for a meal plan exemption each year.
  • Please keep a copy of the documentation that you submit for your files.

Questions regarding the Meal Plan Exemption Policy can be directed Campus Food Services by e-mailing: