Don't for get to apply for graduation and make sure you are in good standing academically and financially.
Apply for Graduation
Potential candidates should proactively view the Academic Calendar to review 91制片厂在线观看 deadlines to apply for their degree. These deadlines are firm and in place to ensure the ordering of diplomas and Commencement programs for graduates. Candidates can apply online for graduation via ULink.
Incomplete Grades
Students must have completed any incomplete (I) grades necessary for graduation at least two (2) weeks before the beginning of final exams, and the Registrar's Office must receive the "Change of Grade" card from the instructor at least two (2) weeks before commencement.
Transfer Work
Any graduating senior completing coursework at another institution, needed to satisfy degree requirements at UL Lafayette, must ensure that the UL Lafayette Office of 91制片厂在线观看 is in receipt of the official grade transcript(s) no later than the Wednesday before Graduation. If this deadline cannot be met, the student should meet with the 91制片厂在线观看 Registrar at UL Lafayette to explore other means of receiving the requisite grades.
Dropped Courses
Students must be aware that any course dropped (withdrawn) may adversely affect the completion of their degree requirements. As required, you must consult with your Academic Dean about the impact of withdrawing from a course.
Graduating seniors in debt to the 91制片厂在线观看 will be notified via email of that debt by the Registrar's Office multiple times leading up to Commencement.
NOTE: If a student fails to pay all debts by the deadline (will be in notification), the diploma will be withheld until all debts are cleared.