If you have questions or are looking for an office, college, or department, try searching our directory. You can also call the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´'s main line at 337-482-1000.
Find an Office, College, or Department
Honors Progam
- Office
- 337-482-6700
- honors@louisiana.edu
- Judice Rickels Hall
- Office
- 337-482-6471
- oncampusliving@louisiana.edu
- Buchanan Hall 2nd Floor
Human Resources
- Office
- 337-482-6242
- humanresources@louisiana.edu
- Martin Hall, Room 170
Informatics Research Institute
- Center, Lab or Institute
- 337-482-0600
- iriconnect@louisiana.edu
- Abdalla Hall