Adaptive course design using RealizeIt is a new way to present personalized, customizable courses that provide students with a fundamentally different experience than they would have in standard online or hybrid courses.
The RealizeIt platform houses all the learning materials, activities, and formative assessments for specific learning units. As students progress through the course, the platform automatically directs them to the most appropriate content for their current level of understanding. Some students will be directed to proceed to the next lesson or choice of lessons, while others will be guided towards remediation of previous material. The platform is constantly learning about each student鈥檚 behavior and performance and providing guidance to help them to attain the learning goals of the course.
Realizeit integrates into the Moodle gradebook and allows for direct linking of coursework with single sign-on for the students, who can purchase an access code from the UL Lafayette Bookstore.
Eligible faculty may be able to receive stipends through departmental Distance Learning Funds for improving an online course and/or transitioning to the use of OER.
Features and benefits of adaptive learning include:
- Non-linear Lesson Sequence
- Personalized Instruction
- Focus on Practice and Remediation
- Visualize Learning Progress
- Incorporating Open Educational Resources (OER)
If you are interested in using RealizeIt for your course, follow the following process:
Step 1. Assess whether your course is a good fit.
Courses that require students to build a knowledge base or demonstrate a skill that can be measured by objective means are very good candidates for adaptive courseware.
Characteristics include:
- Current or planned use of open educational resources (OER).
- Quantitative assessments.
Courses that rely heavily on subjective assignments, such as forums, research projects, papers, portfolios, etc. are not a good fit as they miss out on the redirection and remediation aspects of RealizeIt.
Step 2. Apply.
Complete the and email a signed endorsement form to
Please note: Your application is not complete until we have received your endorsement form.
Step 3. Design your course in RealizeIt.
The design process includes three phases, assisted by an instructional designer.
Phase 1: Planning
- Identifying Course/Module Learning Objectives
- Defining and Aligning Modules and Lessons
- Defining Prerequisites
Phase 2: Development
- Providing Lesson Content
- Creating Activities and Assessments
- Finalizing Grading Options and Instructions
Phase 3: Delivery
- Defining Due Dates for Modules
- Linking Modules to Moodle
- Discussing Common Student Issues