All college-level courses are transferable to the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ from regionally accredited institutions.
The Transfer Evaluation System (TES) and Transferology will assist you in reviewing what transfer work the 91ÖÆƬ³§ÔÚÏß¹Û¿´ will accept.
Evaluated courses from over 1600 institutions already exist in Transferology and TES.
Courses not found in either system have yet to be reviewed. The systems are updated daily with newly evaluated courses.
allows you to select your transfer institution and see all courses that have an equivalent at UL Lafayette.
allows you to enter your transfer coursework and immediately see how your courses transfer to UL Lafayette.
Transfer Credit Examples:
Direct Equivalent— If a course is considered a direct equivalent to a UL course, it will be given the corresponding UL course number.
ENGL 1010 Rhetoric and Composition = ENGL101 English Composition
Elective Equivalent— If a transfer course does not have a direct equivalent but UL Lafayette offers an equivalent discipline, the course equivalent assigned is the course subject within the discipline and a number identifying the level of the course followed by xx.
ENGL 2035 American Major Writers = ENGL 2XX Major American Writers
General Elective - If a transfer course has no direct equivalent and UL Lafayette does not offer an equivalent discipline. The course equivalent assigned is the course subject ELEC, and a number identifying the level of the course followed by xx.
CMGT 121 Construction Material and Methods = ELEC 1xx Construction Material and Methods.